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Jobo Colorprocessor CPP3 Lift Kit Incl 2520 & 2502 Classic

Item No. 4089
Price £3041.67
price per Unit
excl. tax
Call +44 (0)116 289 3644 to order

Jobo Color processor CPP3 Lift Kit Incl 2520 & 2502 Classic.

The Jobo colour processor CPP3 is a semi-automatic film and print processor. The CPP3 offers continuous rotation agitation as well as temperature-controlled process, producing consistent, repeatable results.

Repeatability and dependability are the name of the game in this new world in which pro labs are closing down and where slow turnaround leads to poor results. The time-proven Jobo rotation processing system allows for full and precise control of every aspect of the process and industry-standard quality results for virtually any photochemical process.

Continuing the tried and tested design of the successful CPP2, the CPP3 is fully backwards compatible with all existing Jobo drums and reels and is thus capable of processing 35mm and 120 roll film, sheet film of 4X5, 5X7, 8X10, and 11X14, and prints up to 20X24.

In addition to temperature and rotation-speed control, the CPP3 features a built-in, fully programmable process timer, dimmable LCD panel, and cold-water solenoid inlet to cool down the process when the ambient temperature is higher than the process temperature.

JOBO recommends using a lift for all processors and processing systems, because it helps create a more accurate and repeatable process and offers many other benefits:

• Allows for the use of Expert drums.
Allows chemistry to be introduced into the tank while the agitator is on.
• Allows for more accurate processing times down to the second, as well as faster introduction and dumping of chemistry.
• Alleviates pressure build-up problems in problem-prone process types.
• Creates a nearly dry and clean work environment.
• Is self-cleaning and helps prevent cross-contamination.

The Jobo lift has various design features that make it reliable and easy to use:

• Durable tank-retaining clips.
• Easy loading/unloading of tanks thanks to improved tank-retaining clips design.
• Automatic upper/lower funnel selector.
Internal brass fittings.
• Long-lasting drain hose.

CatLABS Tests the All New Jobo CPP3 Processor and Lift

The Analogue Photographer differentiates himself from all digital work. There is no better way to create truly unique pictures, other than by hand-crafted art-work.

Also, schools and colleges who teach photography need reliable equipment to give their students hands-on experience of "real photography".

The freelance photographer likes to be independent and relies on fast processing results.

The analogue photographer has the choice to fine-tune his processing and printing by using a combination of either film or print processing solutions.

The fine art photographer cares for:

• Instant processing.
• Repeatability in processing.
• Economical usage of chemical solutions, even when sporadically in usage.
• A complete modular system.

JOBO Processor CPP-3 #4083 semi-automates all film and print processing for daylight operation.

All available colour and B/W films on the market can be processed at home, using any chemistry. Roll films 135, 120; Sheet films 4 x 5 or 8 x 10 inches; Prints up to 20x24" /50 x 60 cm.

Jobo on Jobo: CPP3 shot by JIB4 actioncan - trailer

How to choose the right Jobo Processor





Jobo Colorprocessor CPP3 Lift Kit Incl 2520 & 2502 Classic

Item No. 4089
Price £3041.67
price per Unit
excl. tax
Inc. VAT
Call +44 (0)116 289 3644 to order

Jobo Color processor CPP3 Lift Kit Incl 2520 & 2502 Classic.

The Jobo colour processor CPP3 is a semi-automatic film and print processor. The CPP3 offers continuous rotation agitation as well as temperature-controlled process, producing consistent, repeatable results.

Repeatability and dependability are the name of the game in this new world in which pro labs are closing down and where slow turnaround leads to poor results. The time-proven Jobo rotation processing system allows for full and precise control of every aspect of the process and industry-standard quality results for virtually any photochemical process.

Continuing the tried and tested design of the successful CPP2, the CPP3 is fully backwards compatible with all existing Jobo drums and reels and is thus capable of processing 35mm and 120 roll film, sheet film of 4X5, 5X7, 8X10, and 11X14, and prints up to 20X24.

In addition to temperature and rotation-speed control, the CPP3 features a built-in, fully programmable process timer, dimmable LCD panel, and cold-water solenoid inlet to cool down the process when the ambient temperature is higher than the process temperature.

JOBO recommends using a lift for all processors and processing systems, because it helps create a more accurate and repeatable process and offers many other benefits:

• Allows for the use of Expert drums.
Allows chemistry to be introduced into the tank while the agitator is on.
• Allows for more accurate processing times down to the second, as well as faster introduction and dumping of chemistry.
• Alleviates pressure build-up problems in problem-prone process types.
• Creates a nearly dry and clean work environment.
• Is self-cleaning and helps prevent cross-contamination.

The Jobo lift has various design features that make it reliable and easy to use:

• Durable tank-retaining clips.
• Easy loading/unloading of tanks thanks to improved tank-retaining clips design.
• Automatic upper/lower funnel selector.
Internal brass fittings.
• Long-lasting drain hose.

CatLABS Tests the All New Jobo CPP3 Processor and Lift

The Analogue Photographer differentiates himself from all digital work. There is no better way to create truly unique pictures, other than by hand-crafted art-work.

Also, schools and colleges who teach photography need reliable equipment to give their students hands-on experience of "real photography".

The freelance photographer likes to be independent and relies on fast processing results.

The analogue photographer has the choice to fine-tune his processing and printing by using a combination of either film or print processing solutions.

The fine art photographer cares for:

• Instant processing.
• Repeatability in processing.
• Economical usage of chemical solutions, even when sporadically in usage.
• A complete modular system.

JOBO Processor CPP-3 #4083 semi-automates all film and print processing for daylight operation.

All available colour and B/W films on the market can be processed at home, using any chemistry. Roll films 135, 120; Sheet films 4 x 5 or 8 x 10 inches; Prints up to 20x24" /50 x 60 cm.

Jobo on Jobo: CPP3 shot by JIB4 actioncan - trailer

How to choose the right Jobo Processor