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Dupli Essentials our new range of cost effective products carefully selected to offer you great value without a huge compromise on quality.


Everyday products to increase your margin.

Once upon a time in a land far, far away (ok, not that far really, but go with us)..

By now you’re probably well aware of the Dupli origin story and its roots in the very early days of photography under the name Tetenal.

Tetenal’s heritage in the innovation, manufacture and distribution of photographic paper, chemistry and technologies extends back to 1847, making it one of the oldest photographic names in the world. Tetenal originated in Berlin before relocating to new headquarters in Norderstedt, a small town just outside Hamburg in Germany. Over the years, subsidiaries were opened in the UK, France and enabling sales coverage across most of the countries in Europe and beyond.

In 2019, Tetenal UK gained independence through a determined management buy-out. Despite the challenges brought by the pandemic, Tetenal UK emerged stronger and poised for growth.

Recognising an opportune moment, the management team decided, in March 2023, that the time was right to embrace a new identity that mirrors our future trajectory. So, Dupli was born.

Even though the Dupli name was new, the legacy has endured. The years of collaboration with renowned brands gives Dupli invaluable experience, enabling us to serve customers of every size and type. Our dedication remains as strong as ever, and we are passionate about leveraging our


Dupli’s, Partners in Print tag line isn’t just a throwaway comment. It’s a fundamental point of difference from other suppliers into the photographic print market.

It’s where our rich heritage meets unwavering commitment to innovation, customer excellence and a future of endless possibilities.

We recognise that our success is built upon our key partnerships with leading brands and manufacturers around the globe and on the shoulders of our customers success. Therefore our number one aim is to encourage innovation and growth, whether that be working closely with our partners to develop new products and services or working with our customers to devise and advise on a range of products and services that help them achieve their own goals.

The latest development on that pathway is the establishment of the Dupli Essentials, our new range of cost effective products carefully selected to offer you great value without a huge compromise on quality.

Dupli Essentials products are the ones you use daily in your business or that we consider well worth adding to your product and service portfolio. These essential, everyday products click off with Dupli Essentials Stretcher Bars, an economical, sustainable selection of wooden bars in various sizes. Use them in conjunction with Dupli Essentials Polyester Canvas to deliver stunning wall canvasses with enhanced profit margins for you. If you are an event or school photographer, Dupli Essentials Strut Mounts are a cost-effective way to enhance the delivery of your prints.

Dupli Essentials our new range of cost effective products carefully selected to offer you great value without a huge compromise on quality.

DUPLI ESSENTIALS Taking you back to basics and into profit.

ONCE UPON A TIME IN A LAND FAR FAR AWAY (ok, not that far really, but go with us)

By now, you’re probably well aware of the Dupli origin story and its roots in the very early days of photography, when it was known as Tetenal.

Tetenal’s heritage in the innovation, manufacture, and distribution of photographic paper, chemistry, and technologies extends back to 1847, making it one of the oldest photographic names in the world. Tetenal originated in Berlin before relocating to its new headquarters in Norderstedt, a small town outside Hamburg in Germany. Over the years, subsidiaries were opened in the UK and France, enabling sales coverage across most European countries and beyond.

In 2019, Tetenal UK gained independence through a determined management buy-out. Despite the challenges brought by the pandemic, Tetenal UK emerged stronger and poised for growth.

Recognising an opportune moment, the management team decided in March 2023 that the time was right to embrace a new identity that reflected our future trajectory. So, Dupli was born.

Even though the Dupli name was new, the legacy has endured. The years of collaboration with renowned brands give Dupli invaluable experience, enabling us to serve customers of every size and type. Our dedication remains as strong as ever, and we are passionate about leveraging our expertise and knowledge to foster our customers' business growth just as we nurture our own.


Dupli’s Partners in Print tagline isn’t just a throwaway comment. It’s a fundamental difference from other suppliers in the photographic print market.

It’s where our rich heritage meets unwavering commitment to innovation, customer excellence and a future of endless possibilities.

We recognise that our success is built upon our key partnerships with leading brands and manufacturers around the globe and on the shoulders of our customer's success. Therefore, our aim is to encourage innovation and growth, whether working closely with our partners to develop new products and services or working with our customers to devise and advise on a range of products and services that help them achieve their goals.

The latest development on that pathway is the establishment of Dupli Essentials, our new range of cost-effective products carefully selected to offer great value without compromising quality.

Dupli Essentials products are the ones you use daily in your business or that we consider well worth adding to your product and service portfolio. These essential, everyday products click off with Dupli Essentials Stretcher Bars, an economical, sustainable selection of wooden bars in various sizes. Use them in conjunction with Dupli Essentials Polyester Canvas to deliver stunning wall canvasses with enhanced profit margins for you. If you are an event or school photographer, Dupli Essentials Strut Mounts are a cost-effective way to enhance the delivery of your prints.

We will continue to add new lines and services to the Dupli Essentials range to honour our commitment to being your Partners in Print.